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(02) 9233 7777
4/60 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
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News and Insights

What is an IT Licence? It enables you to use a software within the frame of manners predefined by the originator. The originator can allow users in individual cases to use the program in different kind-of-use. This given...
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Sometimes a company or a person might not be able to pay the unpaid debt. This article will describe what actions may be taken when a company or person enters into insolvency. A company is insolvent when it...
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What is a Barrister? A barrister is an independent specialist in Courtroom advocacy and litigation. Whilst a barrister may be most recognised for their advocacy skills in the Courtroom, a barrister’s extensive training and experience ensures their strengths...
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General When introducing evidence in court proceedings, the parties need to be aware of the rules in the Evidence Act 1995. It establishes the foundation when determining whether particular evidence is admissible. Sections 97 & 98 of the...
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Overview Employment Law serves to protect the rights of both employees and employers, and regulates various aspects of employer and employee relationships to ensure they are in accordance with Australian jurisdiction and any contracts relevant to the specific...
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