Sometimes a company or a person might not be able to pay the unpaid debt. This article will describe what actions may be taken when a company or person enters into insolvency. A company is insolvent when it cannot pay its debts when they are due for payment. Voluntary administration, liquidation and receivership are the...Read More
What is a Barrister? A barrister is an independent specialist in Courtroom advocacy and litigation. Whilst a barrister may be most recognised for their advocacy skills in the Courtroom, a barrister’s extensive training and experience ensures their strengths also centre around both judicial and non-judicial Dispute Resolution. It is important to note that you cannot...Read More
General When introducing evidence in court proceedings, the parties need to be aware of the rules in the Evidence Act 1995. It establishes the foundation when determining whether particular evidence is admissible. Sections 97 & 98 of the Evidence Act Section 97 of the Evidence Act stipulates the “tendency rule”. This means that evidence or...Read More
Overview Employment Law serves to protect the rights of both employees and employers, and regulates various aspects of employer and employee relationships to ensure they are in accordance with Australian jurisdiction and any contracts relevant to the specific matter. Employment Law protects employees’ and employers’ rights to fair working conditions by concerning and regulating aspects...Read More
Overview In accordance with Common Law, property holders have the right to exclusive ownership of their personal goods. If there is an infringement of these rights, they have the right to take legal action against any individual or enterprise trying to deny them of their rightful ownership of property. Trespass to Goods The Trespass to...Read More
Indictable and Summary, Misdemeanours and Felonies Criminal offences vary in degrees of severity, and thus require varying degrees of punishment. American law jurisdiction divides criminal offences into more serious crimes referred to as felonies, and less serious and punishable crimes known as misdemeanours. Similarly, Australian law jurisdiction, separates criminal offences by severity into indictable or...Read More
Commercial and Business Solicitors Our commercial and business solicitors provide expert legal advice to assist you in establishing, growing and protecting your business. Since the Australian corporate and business environment is highly regulated, it is crucial for your business to be protected by expert and timely legal assistance. Citilawyers is one of the top commercial...Read More
When purchasing a business you should have a thorough knowledge of the details of all contracts that relate to the sale. One key contract is the lease of the premises. Since most businesses operate in rented premises it is unusual to find a transaction where the premises form part of the assets. Sometimes, however, the...Read More
A contract, whether orally or in writing, obligate the parties to perform according to the terms in the contract. However, sometimes one of the parties acts in breach of the contract. This article will explain what you can do and which rights you have if someone breaches its obligations in a contract you are a...Read More
Overview The Australian Consumer Law is a national law covering consumer protection and fair trading that applies across all states and territories, as well as nationally. Australian buyers have the same protections and businesses have the same obligations throughout the whole of Australia. The ACL provides a clear understanding of the law for both Australian...Read More
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