What happens when a lessee walks away from a lease? A lease terminates on abandonment by the lessee. However, a lessee cannot simply walk away from a contract without consequence. The lessor can apply to the Magistrates Court for an order to repossess the premises and for compensation for damages caused to the lessor as...Read More
What is an IT Licence? It enables you to use a software within the frame of manners predefined by the originator. The originator can allow users in individual cases to use the program in different kind-of-use. This given right is called servitude. In this case you can refer to servitude as “licences”. Proprietary Software The...Read More
Overview In accordance with Common Law, property holders have the right to exclusive ownership of their personal goods. If there is an infringement of these rights, they have the right to take legal action against any individual or enterprise trying to deny them of their rightful ownership of property. Trespass to Goods The Trespass to...Read More
When purchasing a business you should have a thorough knowledge of the details of all contracts that relate to the sale. One key contract is the lease of the premises. Since most businesses operate in rented premises it is unusual to find a transaction where the premises form part of the assets. Sometimes, however, the...Read More
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