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4/60 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
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Criminal Law
Search Warrants: When are they needed? A police officer is only able to remain in a dwelling house for the purpose of investigating an alleged domestic violence offence if allowed to remain by the occupier of the premises. The police officer is able to enter on the invitation of a person who apparently resides at...
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Search The New South Wales police have statutory powers relating to the questioning, arrest and search of persons suspected of having committed a criminal offence. Three are also laws in places that protect the individual’s rights by providing safeguards that police must follow when exercising such powers. Before or as soon as reasonably possible after...
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What is Self-Defence? Self-defence is a common defence that can raised as an issue within many criminal cases. For example, self-defence is a complete defence to murder and manslaughter in all jurisdictions. This entitles the accused to an acquittal when successfully proven. However, excessive self-defence is only able to reduce murder to manslaughter in the...
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Indictable and Summary, Misdemeanours and Felonies Criminal offences vary in degrees of severity, and thus require varying degrees of punishment. American law jurisdiction divides criminal offences into more serious crimes referred to as felonies, and less serious and punishable crimes known as misdemeanours. Similarly, Australian law jurisdiction, separates criminal offences by severity into indictable or...
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